Are You a Liberal or Conservative?

Get ready to think outside the box that you may have been placed into by society. The tv programs that pass as “news” continuously talk about their stories in terms of liberal (left) and conservative (right) viewpoints.

In election season, this is especially prevalent. Most of their news stories are about this or that candidate. This constant coverage of the establishment candidates compels viewers to build their encampment and fortify their position on either the left or right front. This divides the people and pits them against each other. This is one reason why there are so many political protester stories. Continue reading “Are You a Liberal or Conservative?”

Who won the Libertarian Debate?

From left:Petersen, McAfee, Johnson, and host Stossel

America. We all benefit from hearing new ideals, becoming smarter and more imaginative about our future. Continue reading “Who won the Libertarian Debate?”